Monday, November 22, 2010

Andy will push for gov's cuts

Elections come and go, Governors are in and out of office, but there is always Fred digging up "exclusives"........and using his very special "sources".................andy
headshotFredric U. Dicker
Gov.-elect Andrew Cuomo, in his first test of in fluence with the Legislature, is weighing in on next Monday's special legislative session by backing Gov. Paterson's plan to slash $315 million from state spending, The Post has learned.
Cuomo, who faces a $9 billion deficit of his own when he takes office next year, plans to tell the Legislature's Democratic leaders that he wants them to vote for lame-duck Paterson's cost-cutting plan, despite their political misgivings.
"It is very important that the Legislature acts responsibly and makes these cuts," said a source close to Cuomo.
Andrew Cuomo
Andrew Cuomo
"The deficit numbers for next year are staggering, and there will be no federal bailouts. Deferral of action is no longer an option."
Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver (D-Manhattan) has privately said he'll back Paterson's cuts, but only if Senate Democrats go along as well, it was learned.
But Democrats are close to losing their Senate majority and prefer to saddle Republicans with blame for the politically unpopular cuts.
Paterson is seeking across-the-board spending reductions in school aid and health care to rein in the newly emerged current fiscal-year deficit that state Comptroller Tom DiNapoli says may actually total more than $900 million.
"It wouldn't come as a shock if the Legislature just puts off any action, as it so often does," said a source close to the situation.
Cuomo received a strong vote of confidence Friday from the leaders of the New York City Partnership, the city's top business group, as he sought their support for the tough fiscal reforms he has pledged to bring to state government.
"There was real enthusiasm about being helpful to him," said partnership President and CEO Kathryn Wylde.
"There's been a big issue with cynicism in the past: Why spend money and energy on Albany if all it's going to be is the same?
"What he was saying is he knows the place, he has a commitment and a plan, and I think he energized the business leadership, and certainly gave them the feeling that he was someone they could believe in."
Cuomo has made it clear for months that he's intent on assembling a broad-based coalition of business leaders, civic organizations, editorial writers and private-sector unions willing to take on the well-funded special interests -- including the public-sector unions -- that have brought the state to the brink of bankruptcy.

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