Photo credit: Newsday, William Murphy
From state Sen. Dean Skelos (R-Rockville Centre,) presumptive GOP majority leader, pictured here watching the Martins-Johnson paper ballot count :"Now that Judge Warshawsky has officially certified this election, I extend my congratulations to Jack Martins on winning the 7th District seat by 451 votes, giving Republicans 32 seats and a majority in the New York State Senate. Jack Martins was a hard-working candidate who listened to the concerns of Nassau County families on their doorsteps and in their communities, and he deserves credit for this extraordinary victory. I know he will represent the 7th Senate District with enthusiasm and integrity
"There’s important work to be done in Albany, and now that the elections are over we’re eager to get right to it. Senate Republicans are prepared to work with Governor-elect Cuomo to address the economic challenges facing New Yorkers and their families, including the need to reduce spending to balance the budget, provide relief to struggling taxpayers and help the private sector create jobs."
Senate Democrats focused their comments on the judge's refusal to order a hand count of ballots in the race. Here's the Dems Austin Shafran:
“The judge’s decision to deny a recount is wrong on the letter and spirit of the law. In a race where the margin is less than half of one percent, the failure to count every vote is a disservice to every voter.
“This week, it was discovered that nearly a quarter of a million votes in New York City were not counted. For the first time in its history, New York has the ability to ensure every vote is fully and accurately counted, but instead of using the tools at our disposal, the judge set a dangerous precedent that could lead to the disenfranchisement of New Yorkers."
7th SD: Skelos signals cooperation
Photo credit: Newsday, William Murphy, 2010
We’re guessing that “cooperation” was the message of the day for state Senate Republicans after they pretty much locked up control of the state Senate with the election of Jack Martins in the 7th SD in Nassau County.After a judge certified Martins the victor on Saturday, he came out of court — that’s him waiting for the elevator — and began talking about how he was looking forward to working with his GOP colleagues — and with Governor-elect Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat. The Cuomo comments seemed so out of place that a couple of reporters shrugged in puzzlement.
But a few minutes later, presumptive GOP Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos of Rockville Centre issued a statement congratulating Martins, and adding: “Senate Republicans are prepared to work with Governor-elect Cuomo to address the economic challenges facing New Yorkers and their families, including the need to reduce spending to balance the budget, provide relief to struggling taxpayers and help the private sector create jobs.”
There. We’re on the record. Senate Republicans are going to cooperate with the Democratic governor.
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